Hundreds of new start-up businesses make use of Coronavirus phrases in names

According to analysis of the latest Companies House records, more than 200 new start-ups have used the pandemic as inspiration when naming their business to meet a demand for specialist services.

During lockdown, the number of new companies forming has increased to meet the growing demand for products and services related to the Coronavirus crisis.

Many of these new enterprises created since March feature ‘COVID-19’, ‘lockdown’ and ‘pandemic’ in their Companies House registration name.

In fact, 115 new businesses have used the phrase COVID-19 in their name, with around 20 per cent of these new business operating in the cleaning sector.

More than 50 UK businesses also include the word ‘lockdown’ in their name, with most operating in the retail sector selling products such as PPE, gardening tools and IT equipment.

The use of the word lockdown has also been popular for new businesses in the food industry, with names such as Lockdown Bakers, Lockdown Pizza and Lockdown Liquor established in recent months.

Meanwhile, the use of the word Coronavirus is most commonly featured in new businesses registered in the medical and pharmaceutical industries.

Finally, the word ‘pandemic’ has been incorporated into 18 new business names that are predominantly working across management consultancy, manufacturing and social work.

Of the new businesses formed since March featuring these COVID-related names, around 30 per cent were established in London.

If you are thinking of starting up a new business or know someone who is, why not get in contact with our team to find out how our tax and accountancy services can help.