Leveraging contacts and seeking referrals: A contractor’s guide to networking success

In the dynamic world of contracting, where each project is hard-won, the importance of a reliable network of contacts should not be underestimated.

While the digital age has expanded our reach, allowing us to connect with potential clients and peers across the globe, the fundamental principle of networking remains unchanged – it’s not just who you know, but who knows you.

Let’s explore the art of leveraging existing contacts and seeking referrals – a proven strategy that can significantly enhance your visibility, credibility, and ultimately, your success as a contractor.

The power of existing contacts

Your existing contacts are your most valuable assets in the quest for new opportunities. These are individuals who already know your work ethic, quality and reliability.

They include past clients, colleagues, mentors, and even friends who understand your professional capabilities.

Here’s how you can harness the power of these contacts:

Stay connected – Regularly touch base with your contacts, even when you’re not actively seeking new work. This can be as simple as sharing an interesting article, congratulating them on a professional achievement, or catching up over coffee. Staying connected keeps you at the forefront of their minds, making it more likely they’ll think of you when opportunities arise.

Showcase your success – Don’t be shy about sharing your successes and milestones. Whether you’ve completed a challenging project, earned a new certification, or received an award, let your network know. Success breeds interest, and your achievements can serve as a testament to your skills and dedication.

Ask for feedback – Seeking feedback from past clients or colleagues is not only a way to improve your services but also a subtle way to remind them of your presence and value. It demonstrates your commitment to excellence and can prompt discussions about future opportunities.

The art of seeking referrals

Referrals are the gold standard of networking. They come with a built-in level of trust and significantly reduce the effort required to convert a prospect into a client, especially where you work in a narrow field.

Here’s how to effectively seek referrals:

Express your availability – Make it known to your contacts that you’re seeking new opportunities and would appreciate their referral. Be specific about the type of work you’re looking for and the value you can provide to potential clients. Clarity helps others understand how they can assist you best.

Offer value in return – Networking is a two-way street. Offer to help your contacts in return, whether it’s through your professional services, introducing them to someone in your network, or sharing valuable information. This creates a culture of mutual support.

Use testimonials and case studies – Testimonials and case studies are powerful tools that illustrate your capabilities and the positive experiences of your clients. Share these with your network and on your professional platforms, such as LinkedIn, to build credibility and demonstrate the impact of your work.

Follow up and show gratitude – Always follow up on referrals, regardless of the outcome. A simple thank you note can go a long way in showing your appreciation and keeping the door open for future opportunities. Remember, every interaction is a building block in your professional relationship.

Are you doing enough?

We all worry that we aren’t keeping in touch often enough. However, even a little bit of contact with existing connections often is better than none at all.

Leveraging existing contacts and seeking referrals are time-tested strategies that can lead to significant opportunities for contractors – including referrals for new work and support building new connections.

With the right approach, your network can become your most powerful ally in achieving a successful and fulfilling career as a contractor.