Benefits of attending in-person events for freelancers and contractors

In the wake of COVID-19, many industries saw a significant shift towards remote interactions, such as webinars.

However, as the world has emerged from the pandemic in recent years, in-person events are experiencing a vigorous resurgence.

Whether you like them or not, if you are a freelancer or contractor, attending key events is becoming increasingly beneficial, particularly in building and enhancing your roster of contacts and potential future contracts.

Expanding professional networks

One of the primary benefits for freelancers and contractors attending in-person events is the opportunity to expand their professional networks.

While virtual networking has its merits via platforms like LinkedIn, it often lacks the personal touch and depth of connection that face-to-face interactions provide.

In-person networking allows for more organic conversations, enabling freelancers to create more meaningful connections with potential clients, collaborators, and mentors.

These relationships can lead to new projects, collaborations, and even long-term partnerships, which are crucial for freelancers whose business growth relies heavily on a robust network.

Building trust and rapport

Attending events in person also facilitates the building of trust and rapport, which are key components of successful professional relationships.

Meeting someone face-to-face allows for a more comprehensive understanding of their personality, work ethic, and professional values.

This depth of understanding is often difficult to achieve through digital communication alone. For freelancers, establishing trust is vital, as it can lead to repeat business and referrals, which are important for sustainability in the freelance market.

Learning and development opportunities

In-person events often provide a range of learning and development opportunities. Workshops, seminars, and talks given by industry leaders can offer valuable insights and up-to-date knowledge, which is essential in the ever-evolving freelance market.

Such events also provide a platform for freelancers to discuss their own experiences and industry trends, share experiences, and gain new perspectives, which can enhance their practices and approaches to their work.

It may also expose contractors to new technologies, methods or strategies that allow them to deliver higher-value work with less effort. You only have to see recent developments in AI and automation to appreciate the impact that innovation is having on many industries.

Many of these technologies are demonstrated and launched at these events, allowing you to become an early adopter and gain a competitive advantage.

Increased visibility in the industry

Attending these events increases a freelancer’s visibility within their industry. Being present and engaging in industry discussions demonstrates a commitment to one’s field and helps in establishing oneself as a knowledgeable and active participant.

This increased visibility can attract potential clients who are seeking freelancers with a strong industry presence.

This is becoming more important than ever, as personal brand becomes a key tool in winning the best contracts and expanding your portfolio of potential contacts. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and up on the stage (both metaphorically and literally).

Access to new markets and trends

Finally, these events often bring together a diverse group of professionals from various sectors and geographical locations.

This diversity provides freelancers with access to new markets and emerging trends, which might otherwise be inaccessible.

Understanding these new markets and trends can open up opportunities for freelancers to diversify their services and expand their client base.

Choosing the right events for you

Understanding which events are right for you can take time and a little bit of research. We work with a wide range of industries, but here are a few events to consider based on industry type:

Oil and gas industry


Banking and Finance

Clinical Research

The resurgence of in-person events offers a unique and valuable opportunity for freelancers and contractors to enhance their contact rosters.

These events provide a platform for meaningful networking, trust-building, learning, and increased industry visibility.

In an increasingly competitive freelance market, the benefits of attending these events can be significant in securing and sustaining a successful freelance career.